dimanche 29 avril 2012

[Review] Circle lenses - Angel Green

Hi Everyone !

I wanted to do my fangirl today but... I have to show you that first ^^
[But, the special come back was so greatt !! *o* U-KISS <3]

I bought 3 pairs of lenses the last time from Eyecandylens the last time.
For the fist review, it will be with the Green Angel.

Why did I command there ?
Like I come from France, when I saw "Free Worlwide Shipping" it was really a good thing. I also know many people who had it there whitout any problems so...

Lens Info :
Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38%
Diameter: 14.00 mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Duration: 1 year disposable 

Confort : 5/5
I'm someone really difficult with the lenses because I'm really sensitive with my eyes. I was a little afraid but... What a good suprise ! I felt nothing for all the hours I wear it ! The last hour was the most difficult of course but I've worn them for 7 hours !
I love them <3

Enlargement : 4/5
Diameter : 14.00 mm
I have natural big eyes so, for me, it's like if that help me to have them just a little smallest Fufufu. Or is it just my imagination ? x)

Color & Design : 4/5
I was afraid too for this point. Will it be not natural ? Of course we can see it's not your not natural eyes but what about the color ? In fact, that goes very well !

If have any negatives points ? None.

Photos : 

With the review of tattoos lips HERE

                                                     And you, what do you think about the Angel Serie ? :)

dimanche 22 avril 2012

Nails + Story

Good morning/afternoon !

Do you know the bad new ? I have my final exam in two weeks ! So funny XD

I wanted to show you my new friend and his bodyguard !
On the pics, he wears my glasses but... That suits him well right ? xD (You can't say it's not the truth ! Ttsss)


I love this new friend ! Isn't he cute ? <3

I wanted to show you my nails too with a new varnish from O.P.I
Well.... It's something really simple ! But I like the color ^^

Hope you'll have a good week :)
See you ! 

dimanche 15 avril 2012

[Reviews] Temporary lip tattoos from Violent Lips

Hi Everyone ! 

This is a new review about something I heard a little time. In fact, I was really curious. 
When I saw it, I thought it was strange ^^ Si I decided to try ! 

Temporary Lip Tatoos from Violent Lips
For this time, I tried with The Red Polka 

What is great that's there are 3 on every kits. And trust me, for the best ^^

Confort : 4/5
Seriously, you have it on your lips but you fell... Nothing ! You have them on you like if it was your real lips. 
However, maybe because I'm a little paranoid, I had always the feeling that dried my lips. Good news : You can still put gloss or labello ;) [And yes, you can still kiss your boyfriend without any problems XD]

To Apply : 3/5
It's surely my only negative point. But not much. Maybe it's because I'm not still used or maybe because I have little lips but it was really not easy to apply. My first test was a disaster. Here you can watch a video of how to do. It's seems to be easy when you watch it, isn't it ? It was what I thought too.

Overall :
I would like to try the others. It's something really great and if you go on a party with that you can be sure to be the star of the night xD I tried this one but look the others and you'll understand what I wanted to say haha
So even if it was not easy on the first test, I look forward to show it at my friends the next time *o*

PS : I had it for all an afternoon but if you want to remove it before, take a wet cotton.


I wear my green 'angel' lenses here and the false eyelashes from Sephora. 
Nail art : the new Chanel with a french manucure.
Ah and... Yeah it's my real hair this time XD

mercredi 11 avril 2012

Wow XD

Hi everyone !
How are you ? =D

Sorry, I couldn't do any message the last week ! I'm so busy with my school and my final exams are the next month @_@'

Last friday, I were at the SS4 in Paris ! For those who doesn't know what it is : SuperShow 4 ! Big Show with the Super Junior ! A korean band *o* It was so amazing ! I only want to see them again and again ! *_* You can see my pictures here ! =D [You can take them but, please, keep the credits !]

I received my command from Eyecandy Lens and KKcenterhk ! =D Oh and I won a #FFGiveaway on Twitter with Violent Lips ! Haha ! Now I have tatoos lips ! It's funny ! So, be ready to have many reviews here soon ! <3

Well... I was tagged by Sophie about make-up ! So, let's go !

x. What do you particularly like at the moment ?
 Microperfection HP Sephora Professional, black eyeline Sephora Profesional, Brow Sculpting Gel Ardell

x. What things that you didn't use before are you now almost addicted to ?
 False eyelashes *o* Color lenses and wig
 (yeah, I love changing x3)

x. What do you want to try ?
Orange Super Plus Triple Function BB Vital Cream, Dolly Wink no.11, Jealousness-ES04.

x. What make-up tips did you learn recently ?
The best thing of how to do to put your false eyelashes really easily ^^

I tag : Lizzie, Christina, Rose, Nana

Have a good week ! =3

On the pictures :
- Top and Coat - H&M
- Brown Wig (review here)
- False eyelashes - Sephora Make Up Profesional (review soon)
- Green lenses Angel (review soon)
- Pink glasses
- Brow Sculpting Gel- Light Brown - ARDELL