I wanted to do my fangirl today but... I have to show you that first ^^
[But, the special come back was so greatt !! *o* U-KISS <3]
I bought 3 pairs of lenses the last time from Eyecandylens the last time.
For the fist review, it will be with the Green Angel.
Why did I command there ?
Like I come from France, when I saw "Free Worlwide Shipping" it was really a good thing. I also know many people who had it there whitout any problems so...
Lens Info :
Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38%
Diameter: 14.00 mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Duration: 1 year disposable
Confort : 5/5
I'm someone really difficult with the lenses because I'm really sensitive with my eyes. I was a little afraid but... What a good suprise ! I felt nothing for all the hours I wear it ! The last hour was the most difficult of course but I've worn them for 7 hours !Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38%
Diameter: 14.00 mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Duration: 1 year disposable
Confort : 5/5
I love them <3
Enlargement : 4/5
Diameter : 14.00 mm
I have natural big eyes so, for me, it's like if that help me to have them just a little smallest Fufufu. Or is it just my imagination ? x)
Color & Design : 4/5
I was afraid too for this point. Will it be not natural ? Of course we can see it's not your not natural eyes but what about the color ? In fact, that goes very well !
If have any negatives points ? None.
Photos :
With the review of tattoos lips HERE |
And you, what do you think about the Angel Serie ? :)
c'est beau , ça te vas bien :)
RépondreSupprimerOh merci beaucoup =D
SupprimerJ'aime bien les lentilles vertes de façon générale XD
C'est vraiment chouette !
Merci ;D
SupprimerBisous !
Lovely Lenses, Looks so nice! And tattoo lips looks fabulous <3! I saw smth like that in the jap magazine Ranzuki and thought it looks cute!
RépondreSupprimerThe tattoos lips was a revelation for me *o*
SupprimerYou have to try it too fufu
Oh it was in Ranzuki too ? I didn't know.
The first time I saw it was on a clip XD
Thd lens look so nice ^.^ I didn´t try circle lenes so far, but I read soo many positive reviews on the geo lenses that I´ll buy my first pair next month :D
RépondreSupprimerReally ? :3
SupprimerYou'll have to tell it to me when you'll receive it !
I want to see that *o*
This looks pretty nice! You have good taste! : D
RépondreSupprimerYou think so ? Lol
SupprimerThank you ;3
Elles te vont très bien ces lentilles :)
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup !
SupprimerJ'adore les vertes *o*
J'en ai acheté des bleus aussi. Il va falloir que je les essais *o*
Coucou, as-tu fais des revues des lentilles du site Solution-lentilles.com ?
RépondreSupprimerC'est mon préféré maintenant.
Coucou !
SupprimerAh non je ne connaissais pas ce site !
Même étonnée de le voir en français. Tellement l'habitude de n'avoir ces lentilles que sur des sites étrangers surtout asiatiques =)
Je verrais ce site la prochaine fois que je voudrais prendre des lentilles dans ce cas !
Merci =D
ahhh elles sont super naturelles! :o
RépondreSupprimerOui ça va mieux, doux jesus c'est passé ! je les met de temps en temps et ma doctoresse ma filé des larmes artificiles quand je sens que mon oeil est sec. Elle m'a dit qu'il n'y avait pas de danger !
Oui ça passe plutôt bien ! Je suis assez contente ! Faut que j'essaie les bleues maintenant *o*